Novgorod region - Lake Ilmen and Valdai bells


The lands in the north-west of the European part of Russia are famous for ancient fortress cities, ancient monasteries, beautiful temples and picturesque nature. People come to the Novgorod region to get acquainted with the history of the country, visit nature reserves and national parks. Fans of active tourism enjoy fishing and kayaking along the rapids.

History of the region

According to archaeologists, the first people settled on these lands back in the Mesolithic era - in the III millennium BC. Before the formation of the ancient Russian principalities, the Krivichi, Ilmenian Slovenes and Finno-Ugric tribes lived here. From 882 Novgorod became part of Kievan Rus, and from 1136 it became the center of the Novgorod Republic.

General view of the St. George Monastery

When to go

The Novgorod region has a temperate continental climate and pronounced seasons. Summer is warm, and autumn comes a couple of weeks earlier than in the Middle Lane. Winter is moderately cold and snowy. The thermometer in January shows about -10 ° С. The peak of spring comes in May, although the weather is cool until summer.

For tourist purposes, you can come at any time of the year, but most travelers choose the white nights period. As in St. Petersburg and Pskov, it starts at the end of May and ends in mid-July.

Novgorod Kremlin

Wonder cities

The administrative center of the region lies on both banks of the Volkhov River. Almost all tourist routes pass through this city. Velikiy Novgorod was founded in the VIII century, therefore it is called the father of Russian cities. Now the historical urban development has the status of a World Heritage Site and is under the protection of UNESCO.

The central part of the city is small in size. The so-called Sofia side can be walked around in three hours. The main attraction that tourists try to see is Novgorod Kremlin, one of the most ancient children of Russia. On the other bank of the Volkhva, in the Torgovaya side, there are the historical complexes of Yaroslav's Dvorishche and Torg.

Yaroslav's Court and Bargaining in Veliky Novgorod

Staraya Russa has long been a trading settlement where table salt was sold. Now the small town has the status of a resort. Studies of the properties of local mineral waters and sulphide-silt mud began at the beginning of the 19th century. Now the healing water is used for drinking, inhalation and irrigation.

Treatment helps everyone who suffers from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory system, muscular, nervous system and metabolic disorders. The center of the resort is adorned with the unique Muravyevsky fountain, from which healthy mineral water gushes.

Resurrection Cathedral in Staraya Russa

Several churches and the beautiful Resurrection Cathedral have survived in Staraya Russa. The high bell tower of the red and white temple is especially good. There is a small and cozy house-museum in the city F. M. Dostoevsky... Interesting excursions for tourists are organized at the former summer cottage of the Russian writer.

Novgorod Valdai is located on the way from Moscow to St. Petersburg, so crafts were actively developing here. Local residents have become real master casters, which is why Valdai is called the city of bells.

Iversky monastery 10 km from the city of Valdai

Today, the building of a small palace church houses a museum of bells, where you can see large exhibits and tiny bells. Visitors are told about the history of foundry, the most unusual bells and bell ringing.

Not far from Valdai, on the island, there is the main Orthodox shrine of the region - the Iverskaya Svyatoozerskaya Bogoroditskaya monastery. The ancient monastery has existed on the Novgorod land since the 12th century. Excursions are organized for tourists and pilgrims around the monastery.

Holy Spirit Monastery in Borovichi

The provincial town of Borovichi was first mentioned in the chronicles of the 15th century. In its vicinity there are several settlements and mounds, and in the city itself, the layout of the 18th century has been perfectly preserved.

Travelers come to Borovichi to look at the ancient temples, the Holy Spirits Iakovlev Monastery and the wooden station building. The visiting card of the city is the first arched bridge in our country, which was built across the Mstu in 1905 and is now used by pedestrians.

Natural Monuments

Over 60% of the territory is covered with dense mixed forests and coniferous taiga. The vast green areas are rich in medicinal herbs, lingonberries, blueberries and various types of mushrooms. More than 200 plant species of the region are listed in the Red Book.

Roe deer, bears, wolves, foxes, sika deer and flying squirrels are found in the forests. Bird watchers - bervochors come here specially to see rare species of geese and ducks, black storks, white-tailed eagles and nutcrackers.

Due to its proximity to Moscow and St. Petersburg, Valdai National Park has become the most visited natural area of ​​the Novgorod region. There are large lakes Seliger and Valdai, there are about 50 species of mammals and 180 species of birds. On the territory of the park you can see the sites of ancient people, ancient settlements and mounds.

In the Kholmsky and Poddorsky districts there is the Rdeysky reserve, which was created to protect rare raised bogs. Osprey, golden eagles, waders, curlews, ptarmigan, spotted eagles and European black-throated loons nest on its lands.

Water routes

The Novgorod region is the land of rivers and lakes. Tourists who like active outdoor recreation like to travel around the Novgorod region by kayak. During water trips, you can have a good rest, admire the picturesque shores, fish and pick mushrooms and berries. The rivers Vishera, Msta, Lovat, Mologa, Luga and Meta are popular for rafting.

Many lakes of the Novgorod region are located in the region of the Valdai Upland and the Tikhvin ridge. The largest of them - Ilmen occupies the central part of the vast Priilmenskaya lowland. 52 rivers flow into it, and only the Volkhov flows out.

In addition to Ilmen, travelers have long mastered the beautiful lakes Valdayskoe, Velie, Seliger, Uzhinskoe, Vyaloe, Meglino and Piros. It is interesting to visit the reserve "Karst Lakes", which combines several natural reservoirs with underground sources.


Lovers of colorful gifts do not leave the region empty-handed. One of the best-selling Novgorod souvenirs is mittens. In the markets and in souvenir shops, it is easy to find a variety of models - plain and multi-colored, made of wool, down and fur, decorated with beads and bright patterns.

Traditional birch bark products are popular with tourists. They willingly buy and take home neat birch bark baskets, breadbaskets, bookmarks for books and small boxes of salt from Staraya Russa.

Novgorod artisans have long been famous for wood carving, so beautiful carvings depicting heroes of folk tales and medieval princes are sold at souvenir ruins. There are also carved hair ornaments, jewelry boxes, mirror frames and photos.

If you are in the city of Valdai, buy a sonorous bell as a keepsake. Travelers are especially fond of the brass products, which depict the most famous sights of the Novgorod lands.

In the 19th century, a special craft was born in the Novgorod region - openwork embroidery on flax. Today, the Krestetskaya Strochka factory makes beautiful and practical tablecloths, napkins and aprons.

From the gastronomic souvenirs from the Novgorod region, they are happy to bring printed gingerbread with Russian patterns, honey, wild berry jam and candied fruits from the oven.Popular Novgorod sweets with fillings, pickled Kholyn cucumbers, dry-cured bear meat, hare sausages, duck and partridge meat, smoked pike perch and Novgorod kvass.

Information sources:

  • Wikipedia, Novgorod region
  • Tourist portal of the Novgorod region
  • Wikipedia, Tourism in the Novgorod region
  • Government of the Novgorod region, Tourism
  • Tourist portal of the Novgorod region

Novgorod region on the map

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